Sensatory fashion: brands that generates emotions


FW24 season is embracing a unique trend that unites humanity and harmony with nature, expressing emotions through clothing and creating a bridge towards greater emotional awareness, connecting generations through cultural icons, that continue to influence and inspire. This trend, called “Sensatory”, emphasises the use of fashion as a communication tool, with prints that evoke different moods. Pastel colours in harmony with nature, comfortable and simple sweatshirts, soft and essential prints are just some of the distinctive elements of this trend. These prints are characterised by a minimalist approach that allows a deep communication, through simple visual elements. Many brands have successfully expressed this concept, offering a sense of uniqueness and originality, one of all Smiley; its emotional trend uses icons that express happiness, sadness, and other emotions, making fashion a perfect instrument for sharing feelings. Art, thanks to the contribution of numerous and distinct artistic movements, like the Impressionists with their flowers and landscapes, is also capable of generating a variety of aesthetic emotions. But also soft characters characterised by light colours, like the ones brought to live by the world of Disney Classics, illustrate stories of harmony with nature and oneselves. Sabor’s prints evoke pastel colours and essential motifs of the “Sensatory” trend, offering garments that are not only fashionable but also meaningful, revealing a more sensitive and emotional approach to the world of fashion.